Amerta Movement & Schamanism

Liberation in Movement

exploring | connecting | expressing
6-day Workshop in Karsibór, Polen
in Planung für 2026
with Claudine Merkel & Dr. Valery Topoev

Discover the path to physical and mental harmony through this unique seminar combining the practices of shamanism and dance. During the seminar, you will reconnect with the profound link between your body and mind, gain awareness of their interaction, and learn to feel your inner balance.

Movement and dance will become the language of your soul, while shamanic rituals will guide you toward liberation from inner limitations. By releasing physical and mental blocks, you will experience lightness, wholeness, and equilibrium.

This seminar is a space for transformation and healing, where every movement is a step toward freedom and inner joy. We will work with your body through dance, unlocking its potential, and with your consciousness through ancient Khakas shamanic practices, helping you let go of tension and blockages.

You will explore and experience how to return to a state of harmony and balance where your body and spirit are united, and your life is filled with joy and completeness.


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Schamanische Wege zum Glück

16.9. - 22.9.23 in Stepantsminda, GEORGIEN

Workshop mit Dr. Valerii Topoev


1. Tag: Meditation mit der Schamanentrommel
2. Tag: Reise in die innere Welt
3. Tag: Arbeit mit dem Körper: Muskelanspanng und Muskelentspannung
4. Tag: Tierische Kräfte im Bewusstsein. Transformation des Ichs
5. Tag: Entwicklung einer diagnostischen Intuition

Arbeitszeit: 10 – 19 Uhr, 5 Std. täglich
Pause: 14 – 17 Uhr
Preis Workshop: 100€/Tg.

Hotelunterkunft und Verpflegung (3 Mahlzeiten): 35€/Tg.
An- und Abreise selbst organisieren
Name des Hotels in Stepantsminda: GP Rooms

Weitere Infos über Dr. Valerii Topoev: | +49 170 99 66 909 |