Amerta Movement & Schamanism

Schedule of the Workshop: 16-23 Aug. 2025

Amerta Movement and Shamanism: Liberation in Movement

16.8., Saturday
Arrival, dinner

General Programme
Mornings with Claudine: Amerta movement and dance practices. We will move indoors and outdoors and practice individually, in duo and in small groups.
Afternoons with Valery: shamanic practices

17.8., Sunday
Exploring movement: sensing body, place and others in movement.
Shamanic journey to reconnect with inner balance. Exploring the spirits of negative emotions that create physical blockages. Restoring connection with the body and intuition.

18.8., Monday
Connecting in movement. Dynamic movement. Free movement.
Discovering new shapes for expressing.
Releasing mental and physical blockages through work with symbols.

19.8., Tuesday
Expressing in movement. Free movement in small groups.
Communicating in movement. Being audience to my movement and for others.
Releasing mental and physical blockages through work with the elements.

20.8., Wednesday
Excursion day (weather permitting):
Morning: trip to the sea, ritual.
Afternoon: visit to an ancient tree in the forest, ritual.

21.8., Thursday
Free moving. Creating installation in movement. Witnessing in movement.
Spirits of ancestors, building relationships with them, and cleansing the life path.

22.8., Friday
Open Morning. Participants may create and share a short movement piece of their choice to help them to crystallise their experience.
Creative thinking — liberation, harmony, and readiness for a creative outlook on life.

23.8., Saturday
Breakfast, departure